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Disaster Recovery Responder Stories

Disaster Recovery Responder Stories

Lessons-Learned gained from Disaster Responder Stories building Best Practices to avoid cost and operational impacts of Data Disaster Recovery from Natural, Security, Application and Self-made disasters.


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May 25, 2023

S1E6_Radia_Perlman Spanning Tree Protocol SharkFest 2023 Network Security Quantum Blockchain

Radia Perlman designed the Layer Two Spanning Tree algorithm used in near every network and is the keynote speaker at SharkFest 2023.  Her Network Security 3rd Edition just arriving on shelves offers updates on Blockchain an…
Jan. 23, 2023

S1E5 Bank ATMs Down on Holiday Weekend

Bill Alderson and Guest Bill Genovese discuss how a bank's ATM's go down on a holiday weekend disturbing an entire country.  Bill Genovese's team "parachuted" in to perform root cause analysis and workshops for the client t…
Dec. 19, 2022

S1 E3 US Digital War Biometric Watchlist Iraq Afgh

First US digital war in Iraq Afgh uncovered insurgents using biometrics to create a Watchlist used to find insurgents from the general population.  The system failed to replicate between locations around the world impacting…
Dec. 6, 2022

S1E2 911 Pentagon Disaster Recovery

Actual responder story with exclusive exhibits from the 9/11 Pentagon disaster recovery transforming lessons-learned to best practices that can save you millions and months if implemented in your environment before a disaste…
Oct. 28, 2022

S1E1 Stock Market DDOS Attack

US Stock Market DDOS Distributed Denial of Service Attack Responder Stories: Bill Alderson, Duke Tunstall  Consequential Organizations and People Introductions Vinton Cerf, Father of the Internet VP, Google Charlie Lewis: Ex…

Recent Blog Posts

US Digital War Biometric Watchlist Fails Mid-war Lessons-learned

In 2006 the US military's biometric enabled watchlist used to find insurgents among the general population failed. I was asked to bring my team to diagnose and solve the problem.  Watch Video Podcast on Cloudflare Streaming The Army G2 and CI…

About the Host

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Bill Alderson

Disaster Recovery Responder

Disaster recovery responder-advisor guiding enterprises to resilient, secure, robust and trouble-free application infrastructure.